In the legal world, Driving Under the Influence is a serious crime that can have a significant affect on a person’s future. A first offense DUI is usually handled as a misdemeanor lacking other complicating factors like injuries or destruction of property. Further offenses become felonies.
DUIs grow progressively more serious with each repeat offense. A third offense in the eyes of the law represents a repeat offender, and a person who consistently endangers the public. In recognition of this, a third offense DUI conviction can mean:
All of these are serious consequences that can significantly alter a person’s life when the DUI is on it’s own. But if someone was injured or killed as a result of DUI, a person can be facing decades in prison.
Whether it’s a first DUI conviction or a third, DUI charges need to be fought at all costs. At the Hunsucker Legal Group, we understand how important these charges are. Whether fighting to suppress evidence or telling a compelling narrative, we know what it takes to swing the case in your favor.
Contact us today to learn how we can make a difference in your case.
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